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Microsatellite instability in endometrioid endometrial carcinoma: correlation with clinically relevant pathologic variables
  1. L. H. Honorè*,
  2. J. Hanson and
  3. S. E. Andrew
  1. * Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  2. Department of Epidemiology, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  3. Department of Medical Genetics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  1. Address correspondence and reprint request to: Louis H. Honorè, MBChB; FRCPC, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Cross Cancer Institute, 11560 University Avenue, Edmonton Alberta, Canada T6G 1Z2. Email: lhonore{at}


This study of 218 patients with endometrioid endometrial carcinoma explores the relationship between microsatellite instability (MSI) as established by the BAT26 method and the common pathologic variables of prognostic and therapeutic significance. MSI was positively correlated with grade, associated endometrial atrophy, squamous metaplasia, isthmic involvement, depth of myoinvasion, vascular invasion–associated changes, extrauterine tumor spread, and extramyometrial angiolymphatic spread. There was no significant correlation with carcinoma developing in adenomyosis, mucinous metaplasia, tumor size, cornual involvement, cervical extension, uterine serosal involvement, and targeted lymphoid response. The positive correlations are discussed in terms of molecular genetics.

  • BAT26
  • clinicopathologic variables
  • endometrioid endometrial carcinoma
  • microsatellite instability
  • statistical analysis

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