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The role of routine follow-up after gynecological malignancy
  1. F. M. Kew*,
  2. A. P. Roberts and
  3. D. J. Cruickshank
  1. * Queenxk Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead, UK
  2. James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: F.M. Kew, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead, UK. Email: fiona{at}


The objective of this article was to determine the evidence base for routine follow-up after gynecological malignancy. Only articles with a survival analysis were included. Relevant articles were identified by a comprehensive literature search of the main biomedical databases, hand searching of references of selected articles, and expert spotting of relevant journals and proceedings of international meetings. A two-stage extraction of data was undertaken. No prospective trials were identified. Twenty-nine retrospective case series analyses and one poster presentation met the inclusion criteria. Eight articles and one letter on endometrial cancer, six articles and one poster presentation on cervical cancer, and two articles in vulval cancer were reviewed. Only one article in endometrial cancer showed any survival benefit from routine follow-up, but it was of very poor methodologic quality. Two articles found a survival benefit from routine follow-up after cervical cancer. The two articles on vulval cancer did not find any survival benefit from routine review. There is no prospective research on the benefits of routine follow-up after gynecological cancer. Retrospective evidence calls in to question the benefit of universal follow-up. Prospective research is urgently needed.

  • survival
  • follow-up
  • gynecological malignancy

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