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Understanding and treating depression among cancer patients
  1. R. K. Bailey,
  2. D. J. Geyen,
  3. K. Scott-Gurnell,
  4. M. M.S. Hipolito,
  5. T. A. Bailey and
  6. J. M. Beal
  1. University of Texas Medical School in Houston, Houston, Texas
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Dashiel J. Geyen, Ed. D., MPH, Department of Psychology, Southern Texas University, 3100 Cleburn Avenue, Rm 001A Ed-Bldg, Houston Texas 77004, USA. Email: geyendj{at}


Cancer is a devastating disease. Awareness of this disorder tremendously impacts an individual's life, creating a host of changes to occur. Depression is one concern that many cancer patients experience. It is important to make an accurate and complete assessment of depressive symptoms. Furthermore, a heightened awareness of patients' culture and their perceptions is vital to their assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of depression. In cases of clinical depression, appropriate antidepressants prescribed along with the treatment for cancer are significant for the patient. Palliative counseling for patients and supportive counseling for their family are recommended as part of a treatment plan.

  • cancer
  • depression
  • gynecological cancer
  • palliative counseling
  • psychopharmacotherapy

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