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Cellular process classification of human papillomavirus-16-positive SiHa cervical carcinoma cell using Gene Ontology
  1. W. S. Ahn*,
  2. M.-J. Seo,
  3. S. M. Bae,
  4. J. M. Lee*,
  5. S. E. Namkoong*,
  6. C. K. Kim and
  7. Y.-W. Kim
  1. * Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul, Korea
  2. Catholic Research Institutes of Medical Science, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Banpo-Dong, Seocho-Ku, Seoul, Korea
  3. College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Shinlim-Dong, Kwanak-Ku, Seoul, Korea
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Yong-Wan Kim, PhD, Cancer Research Center, Catholic Research Institutes of Medical Science, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, 505 Banpo-Dong, Seocho-Ku, Seoul 137-040, Korea. Email: thomas06{at}


This study utilized mRNA differential display and the Gene Ontology (GO) analysis to characterize the multiple interactions of a number of genes involved in human papillomavirus (HPV)-16-induced cervical carcinogenesis. We used HPV-16-positive cervical cancer cell line (SiHa) and normal human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) as a control. Each gene has several biological functions in the GO, and hence, we chosen the several functions for each gene. and then, the specific functions were correlated with gene expression patterns. The results showed that 157 genes were up- or down-regulated above two-fold and organized into mutually dependent subfunction sets depending on the cervical cancer pathway, suggesting the potentially significant genes of unknown function. The GO analysis suggested that cervical cancer cells underwent repression of cancer-specific cell-adhesive properties. Also, genes belonging to DNA metabolism such as DNA repair and replication were strongly down-regulated, whereas significant increases were shown in protein degradation and in protein synthesis. The GO analysis can overcome the complexity of the gene expression profile of the HPV-16-associated pathway and identify several cancer-specific cellular processes as well as genes of unknown function. Also, it can become a major competing platform for the genome-wide characterization of carcinogenesis.

  • cervical neoplasia
  • Gene Ontology
  • mRNA differential display

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