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Differential in vitro effects of chemotherapeutic agents on primary cultures of human ovarian carcinoma
  1. P. Kornblith*,
  2. R. L. Ochs*,
  3. A. Wells,
  4. M. J. Gabrin*,
  5. J. Piwowar*,
  6. A. Chattopadhyay*,
  7. L. D. George* and
  8. D. Burholt*
  1. * Precision Therapeutics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
  2. Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Dr Paul Kornblith, MD, Precision Therapeutics, 2516 Jane Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203. Email: pkornblith{at}


The treatment of ovarian cancer principally relies on the use of platinum and taxane chemotherapeutic agents. Short-term clinical results have been encouraging, but long-term responses remain limited. In this report, an in vitro assay system that utilizes cells grown from human tumor explants has been used to quantitatively evaluate responses to relevant concentrations of alternative chemotherapeutic agents. The results suggest that there are significant differences in the responses of explant-derived cultured cells to the different agents tested. In an evaluation of 276 primary ovarian cancer specimens, five nonstandard drugs were tested in 51 cases. Of these 51 cases, cyclophosphamide had the highest rate of response at 67%, followed by doxorubicin at 61%, gemcitabine at 49%, etoposide at 48%, and topotecan at 14%. Venn diagrams, representing the in vitro responses to the platins and taxanes, as well as the responses to the nonstandard drugs, illustrate that there clearly are distinct differences among patients in a given population. These data underscore the potential importance of evaluating each patient's response to a number of different drugs to optimize the therapeutic decision-making process.

  • chemoresponse testing
  • chemotherapy
  • ovarian cancer
  • primary cell culture

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