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The influence of splenic metastases on survival in FIGO stage IIIC epithelial ovarian cancer
  1. A. Ayhan*,
  2. R. A. Al*,
  3. C. Baykal*,
  4. E. Demirtas*,
  5. A. Ayhan and
  6. K. YÜCE*
  1. * Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hacettepe University Hospitals, Ankara, Turkey
  2. Department of Pathology, Hacettepe University Hospitals, Ankara, Turkey
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Cem Baykal, Paris Cad. 37/9 Kavaklidere, Ankara, Turkey. Email: cem.baykal{at}


The purposes of this study were to compare the survival of ovarian cancer patients with splenic metastasis to patients without it and to evaluate the complications of the procedure.

A retrospective study was performed on 34 patients with ovarian cancer who underwent splenectomy for initial cytoreduction at gynecologic oncology unit of Hacettepe University Hospitals between 1989 and 2001. All patients had FIGO stage IIIC disease and were left with <1 cm residual tumor after surgery. Eighteen patients (52.9%) had splenic metastasis. Patients with splenic metastasis tended poorer survival. Median survivals were 28.9 and 41.3 months for patients with splenic disease and for patients without it, respectively (P > 0.05). Univariate analysis revealed that performance status and histologic type influenced survival. Histologic type and performance status were identified as independent risk factors by multivariate analysis. Postoperative complications were developed in ten (29.4%) patients and three of these (8.8%) died in 1 month after operation. None of the complications was attributed directly to the splenectomy procedure.

Complete surgical cytoreduction confers a survival benefit whether the parenchyma was involved or not. The splenectomy should be considered with its acceptable morbidity in selected patients who have a chance to achieve optimal debulking.

  • cytoreductive surgery
  • ovarian carcinoma
  • splenectomy
  • survival

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