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Inability of immunohistochemistry to predict clinical outcomes of endometrial cancer patients
  1. D. R. Gossett*,
  2. P. Alo,
  3. R. E. Bristow,
  4. M. Galati§,
  5. A. Kyshtoobayeva,
  6. J. Fruehauf and
  7. F. J. Montz
  1. * The University of Michigan Medical Center, Department of Gynecologic Oncology, Ann Arbor, MI
  2. University of Rome, Department of Anatomic Pathology, Rome, Italy
  3. The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical Institutions, Kelly Gynecologic Oncology Service, Baltimore, MD
  4. § University of Rome, Department of Gynecology, Rome, Italy
  5. Oncotech, Inc., Tustin, CA
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Dana R. Gossett, MD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Michigan Medical Center, 1500 E. Medical Center Drive, L4510 WH, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0276. Email: danagoss{at}


Introduction Despite optimal surgery, some patients with early endometrial carcinoma develop recurrence and die of disease. A number of immunohistochemical (IHC)-identified cell products (markers) have been proposed as predictors of recurrence. This study characterizes a large series of endometrial carcinomas with previously described markers as well as markers that have not been investigated in endometrial carcinoma.

Patients and methods Women who had undergone surgery for endometrial carcinoma were identified and specimens accessed. Tissue blocks were evaluated for ten IHC markers. Results were correlated with last known clinical status.

Results Mean follow-up was 43 months; complete data were available on 117 patients. Two women died of other causes; of the remaining 115, eight died of disease and six were alive with recurrence at last follow-up (12%). Vascular endothelial growth factor staining independently predicted recurrence and death. However, in multivariate analyses, only FIGO stage predicted outcome.

Discussion Our goal was to identify markers to predict which women with endometrial carcinoma were likely to have disease recurrence. We evaluated cell-cycle regulatory proteins, growth factors, hormone receptors, and angiogenic factors, but did not identify any marker that independently predicted outcome in multivariate analysis. This may reflect the few negative outcomes in our population.

  • endometrial cancer
  • immunohistochemistry
  • VEGF

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