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Is combination chemotherapy superior to single-agent chemotherapy in second-line treatment?
  1. A. González-Martín
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Antonio González-Martín, Medical Oncology Service, University Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Ctra Colmenar Viejo Km 9100, 28034 Madrid, Spain. Email: agonzalez.hrc{at}


Treatment of relapsed ovarian carcinoma is still a matter of controversy. One important question to be solved is the potential superiority of combination chemotherapy over single-agent chemotherapy. This is a field in which a nonconclusive small number of randomized clinical trials have been conducted, and therefore, definitive conclusions are lacking. Patients with recurrent platinum-resistant disease are better treated with sequential single agent, because of higher toxicity without clear benefit usually associated with combination chemotherapy. In patients with platinum-sensitive disease, we can choose between three options: single-agent carboplatin, single-agent new drug or platinum combination-based therapy. In this paper, we will review these options and recently closed or ongoing randomized clinical trials in this setting.

  • recurrent
  • relapsed
  • epithelial ovarian carcinoma
  • second line therapy
  • combination chemotherapy

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