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Metastases to the uterine cervix from a gastric carcinoma presenting with obstructive renal failure: a case report
  1. A. Treszezamsky,
  2. S. Altuna,
  3. L. DÍAZ,
  4. S. Vighi and
  5. J. Sardi
  1. Gynecological Oncology Unit, Ginecology Division, Buenos Aires University Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: A. Treszezamsky, MD, Gynecological Oncology Unit, Ginecology Division, Buenos Aires University Hospital, Córdoba 2351 (1120) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Email: aletresze{at}


Metastases to the uterine cervix are infrequent (1–3). Except for cases of endometrial primary carcinoma, the most common origin of neoplastic dissemination to the uterine cervix is the ovary, followed by the breast (1,2). Primary gastrointestinal tumors are rare, and in most of these cases cervical metastases are associated with adnexal bilateral masses (Krukenberg's tumors) (1).

  • uterine cervix metastases
  • gastric carcinoma
  • Signet cell adenocarcinoma

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