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The use of ultrasound in the identification and treatment of lymphocysts after radical hysterectomy
  1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Sahlgrenska University Hospital, S-413 45 Göteborg, Sweden


Transvaginal ultrasound was used to diagnose pelvic lymphocysts in 60 women subjected to Wertheim-Meigs operation for cervical carcinoma. Bimanual palpation 7–10 days postoperatively raised the suspicion of a lymphocyst in 13 women, though ultrasound revealed a cyst larger than 50 mm in 22 women (37%). Lymphocysts, which did not tend to shrink within 2–3 weeks after operation were drained by puncture under guidance of ultrasound in 10 women because of discomfort and/or compression of the ureter. The puncture was uncomplicated but drainage was associated with fever in two women. The lymphocysts were drained for 3–5 days. In 12 women the lymphocysts resolved spontaneously. Elderly women and women treated by external beam radiation pre-operatively appear to be at a higher risk of developing postoperative lymphocysts.

  • cervical cancer
  • lymphocysts
  • ultrasound

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