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EPV024/#508 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast in Mexican population: experience of 12 years a center of concentration
  1. G Moreno1,
  2. DA Maciel Roman2,
  3. V Bautista Pina2,
  4. JA Tenorio Torres2 and
  5. F Villegas Carlos2
  1. 1National Cancer Institute, Mexico, Gynecology Oncology, Tlalpan, Mexico
  2. 2Breast Disease Institute, Surgery, Coyoacán, Mexico


Objectives Describe the presentation characteristics of ACC in the Mexican population at the Breast Disease Institute from 2007 to 2019.

Methods Observational, descriptive, case series, of Breast Disease Institute FUCAM ® patients.

Results A case series was recorded with 9 patients with ACC (table 1), representing 0.5% of our breast cancer cases. With an average age of presentation of 63 years. Grade III was presented in 66.6%. The mean tumor size was 4.8 cm, while the mean tumor size in the surgical specimen was 2.5 cm, in 88.8% in early stages. All with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) (table 2), one case (5%) with lymph node involvement with Axillary lymph node dissection (ALND). In a case of Breast conserving surgery (BCS) with Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) with Intrabem, two cases with modified radical mastectomy (MRM), 66% with total mastectomy (MT) and sentinel node biopsy (SLNB). In 55% of the cases, adjuvant chemotherapy taxane-based. While 44.4% were indicated radiotherapy, with an average disease-free period of 63 months.

Abstract EPV024/#508 Table 1

Characteristics of patients

Abstract EPV024/#508 Table 2

Treatment in the ACC

Conclusions So we consider that our contribution can answer some questions of ACC in the population Mexican. We present our 12-year institutional experience with 9 cases. Our results are similar to the published series, however there is controversy for treatment with adjuvant.

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