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1135 Why gynae-oncology? Determining the preferences of Irish trainees in becoming a gynae-oncologist
  1. K Mulligan,
  2. S Murphy and
  3. C Thompson
  1. The Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Ireland


Introduction/Background*There are currently 156 Obstetric & Gynaecology (O&G) trainees in Ireland. Fourteen (8%) of whom have expressed an interest in undertaking subspecialist training to pursue a career in Gynaecological Oncology (GO). The training pathway in Ireland is currently eight years before there is an opportunity to subspecialise and there are less than 10 Gynaecological Oncology Specialist Registrar (SpR) rotational positions per year on the national training scheme. This provides a challenge for Irish trainees who wish to gain exposure to Gynaecological Oncology from an early stage in their career.

Methodology We wished to assess the current opinions/preferences of trainees who had commenced or wished to commence subspecialist training in GO. A SurveyMonkey was distributed to this cohort and responses received anonymously. Particular focus was placed on the trainees preferred structure of fellowship training and subsequently on what they felt would be their preferred structure of Consultant job specification once qualified.

Result(s)*Of the 14 respondents, 15% were training at GO fellowship level, 45% were at SpR level and 40% were Basic Specialist Trainees (<3 years training in O&G). There were a number of reasons for trainees being interested in pursuing a career in GO. 100% became interested due to the surgical procedures involved, 60% found the disease conditions interesting and 42% of trainees felt GO was ‘the best way of receiving high volume surgical training in O&G’.

Regarding research, all trainees wish to undertake formal research with 40% wishing to complete an MD and 30% a PhD. Formally recognised training was felt essential with 50% feeling that ESGO was their preferred accreditation. Regarding duration, 50% felt a two year fellowship should be sufficient for gaining clinical experience. Only 25% of trainees wished to train less than full time.

Need for more surgical training workshops and increased dedicated Gynaecological training time at SpR level in order to obtain experience at an earlier stage in their career trajectory was highlighted.

Conclusion*This small cohort study highlights the challenges faced by Irish trainees who wish to become Gynaecological Oncologists. Nationally there is already progress on increasing simulation training, development of mentoring and more accredited training positions.

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