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705 The advisory board on cancer, infertility and pregnancy
  1. J Heimovaara1;2,
  2. K Van Calsteren3;4,
  3. C Lok2 and
  4. F Amant1;2
  1. 1Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Oncology, Leuven, Belgium
  2. 2The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI), Department of Gynaecology, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  3. 3University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Leuven, Belgium
  4. 4Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Development and Regeneration, Leuven, Belgium


Introduction/Background*Due to the rarity of cancer during pregnancy, physicians not always have up to date knowledge on all possibilities of treatment during pregnancy. To support physicians with decision on optimal cancer treatment for their pregnant patients, the Advisory Board on Cancer, Infertility and Pregnancy (ABCIP) was founded under the umbrella of the International Network for Cancer, Infertility and Pregnancy (INCIP).

Methodology Medical experts from a variety of disciplines and countries were informed on this new initiative, and asked whether they were interested in actively participating in the ABCIP. Several national advisory boards were founded, as well as an overarching international board. Funding was acquired to build a website to facilitate accessibility for physicians requesting advice and a forum for online discussions and communication between the board members. Based on available literature, default texts were drafted to use in the recommendation letters.

Result(s)*An online platform was created at, where physicians are able to submit questions regarding their pregnant patients with cancer, using only anonymous patient data. A total of 73 experts from a variety of disciplines and countries are joined in the national and international boards. Of this group, experts from eight countries already expressed their interest in setting up their own national advisory board. Incoming requests are discussed by the experts on a secure forum on the website. The website generates a recommendation letter, based on available literature and expert opinion of the board members, to send back to the requesting physician. In the first month after foundation, seven requests for advice were already submitted and discussed.

Conclusion*The ABCIP provides easily accessible, free of charge recommendations to physicians from all over the world with questions regarding their pregnant patients with a cancer diagnosis or patients with a cancer diagnosis who wish to become pregnant in the future.

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