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291 Unique case series of coexisting endometrial and hematologic malignancies
  1. S Leiva1 and
  2. G Boike2
  1. 1University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, USA
  2. 2Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Bay Region, USA


Introduction Coexistent primary neoplasms in the same individual can present as synchronous or metachronous. In the setting of endometrial cancer, most concomitant primary sites include ovarian, colon, and breast cancer.

The coexistence of endometrial and hematologic malignancies is rare and unique, with only 7 cases reported in the literature.

Over a time interval of 10 years, we have encountered this unusual condition in 7 patients of our own. This is the most extensive case series of concurrent hematologic and endometrial malignancies.

Methods Retrospective chart review from 2002–2012.

Results Our patients were referred to a gynecologic oncology office from the years 2002 and 2012 due to suspected endometrial cancer.

All of our patients underwent surgical diagnoses and staging for endometrial cancer.

The findings of significantly enlarged lymph nodes as described in the operative reports of 5 out of 7 patients.

Abstract 291 Table 1

Conclusions and Implications The presence of two primary malignancies may translate into a unique diagnostic and treatment situation where the presence of the other may impact surgical, medical, and radiation management for one cancer.

As clinicians, it is essential to be aware of the most common signs, symptoms, laboratory, imaging, and intraoperative findings of various pathologies. This knowledge could make a positive impact on patient care.

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